Coastal Structures is proud to be a Pink Ribbon Sponsor for the 2023 In The Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Walk. According to the website:
“Hundreds of participants are expected to gather to celebrate survivors, walk the Marshwalk together and raise money for the Tidelands Health Foundation Breast Care Fund. Musical entertainment and vendors will kick off the day at 8:30 a.m. outside the Tidelands Health Cancer Care Network in Murrells Inlet, followed by the start of the event at 10 a.m
with a few words from breast surgeons Dr. Craig Brackett and Dr. Angela Mislowsky before participants walk to the Marshwalk. Coastal Structures and Robins & Morton are the presenting sponsors this year.”
“The In the Pink walk is the main fundraiser for the Tidelands Health Foundation Breast Care Fund, which helps provide mammograms and other vital breast health services to those in need. The event, which has attracted as many as 1,200 participants each year, occurs every October, which is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.”
If you would like to be a part of our team in future walks, please email Scott Johnson at [email protected] today.